05 November 2010

Happy Halloween!

Maddie had a BLAST this year! We went to her friend Aidan's house to go trick or treating with them. It was sooo much fun! They figured out really quickly they would get candy going door to door...who doesn't like that concept though? Haha!

Maddie picked out her costume when we looked online for ideas and wore it for about 50% of the time. It was still cute :)

She even missed out on her nap b/c she was sooo excited! She just sat in her crib for 2 hrs talking and singing haha. So needless to say, she was OUT by the time we did bath and bed.

She always thinks aidan is soooo funny!

holding hands

WAY EXCITED to go trick or treating

Posing for the camera

The dads and their beers

this house was scary! They had some crazy music and the front door was kind of hidden...so needless to say we made aidan's daddy go first haha

holding hands again

....and they're off!

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