14 July 2010

Day 2 - Alcatraz, Lombard Street, Golden Gate Bridge and Muir Woods

Alright..so on day 2 we slept in till 10am (houston time)!! Refreshing! Then we headed to Pier 33 where we met a boat to take us to Alcatraz Island.
Pier 33

robby was sea sick....no not really :)

this was the BEST tour I have ever been on in my life!

Robby was bad..so if you want to visit him, you know where to find him :)

...really not that bad of a place to end up if you have misbehaved, look at these breath taking views, even the prisoners got these views.

the road up to Lombard...the picture doesn't do it any justice at how steep this hill was

Lombard St. was soooo scary! Ask us about it sometime..its a long story and I can fill you in, but not on the blog :)

one of the houses on Lombard...BEAUTIFUL!

Golden Gate Bridge

Muir Woods

When we got back from Alcatraz, Spain had won the big soccer game (I'm embarrassed to say I don't know the name of it?) and were busy celebrating on market street. It was really neat to watch!

...and that is it! We had a GREAT time and feel so lucky to have been able to have the funds and the babysitter to get away for the weekend. Truly blessed!

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